

Muktinath is situated at the base of Thorong La mountain pass at an altitude of 3710 meters. Muktinath is in the Mustang district is one of the world’s highest temples. Muktinath is also called Mukti Kshetra, the place of liberation one of Char Dham in Nepal according to Hindu mythology. Muktinath is a very ancient temple that is related to God Vishnu. Considered to be the sacred place of salvation, this place is the pilgrimage site of both Hindus and Buddhists. This is a place of religious importance. This temple is also one of 108 Vishnu shrines built in pagoda style. Moreover, the spellbound beauty of the entire surroundings of Muktinath can make every visitor enchanted with so many positive vibes. 

The temple has a human-sized golden statue of Lord Vishnu as Shri Mukti Narayana but Muktinath is small in size. Moreover, this temple has various images of Bhoodevi, Lava-Kusa, Sapta Rishis, the goddesses Saraswati and Janaki. The worship of this shrine is conducted by the Buddhist nuns. However, this temple is taken to be the 106th out of 108 Divya Desam and they are considered sacred by the Shri Vaishnava sect. 

The ancient name of this place is Thiru Saligramam before Buddhist origin according to Sri Vaishnava literature. Additionally, this place is also taken to be one of the 51 shakti peethas. This place is called Chumig Gyatsa by the Buddhists which means ‘Hundred Waters’ in Tibetan. Regarded to be one of eight sacred shrines known as Svayam Vyakta Kshetras (the other seven including Srirangam, Srimusnam, Tirupati, Naimisharanya, Thothadri, Pushkar, and Badrinath. Kali Gandaki River is the most interesting part of Muktinath which is the major source of the rare Saligram stones which are adored as the symbol of the sacred God Vishnu. 

Moreover, this world is encircled with the illusions of love and there is the certainty of life, death, and rebirth. However, it is believed that everyone wants to get rid of this cycle of life and death and get liberation. It is also believed that Muktinath is the major place that helps to get rid of all the problems in life. The 108 waterspouts in the backyard and two ponds in front of the temple are the symbol of salvation. It is believed that the devotees who take bath in the cold waters in the holy tap and ponds get their souls cleansed and get rid of all the sins committed in their life. Indeed, Muktinath is the perfect spot to meditate and enjoy inner peace and delight. 

Moreover, Muktinath is the most respected place which offers so many opportunities to visitors. Having observed the quiet scenario of this place, pilgrims hold a kind of peculiar energy, some kind of relief and salvation from their day-to-day sufferings of life. However, the pure and pristine beauty of the place captivates the mind of the visitors. This place is the perfect spot to observe the breathtaking views of the Dhaulagiri Himalaya and the Annapurna range which provides peculiar experiences for the visitors.



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