Historical places of Nepal.

Historical places of Nepal. 

Nepal a small warm-hearted country. Nepal is the country which never came under the British Empire. The traditions and culture of Nepal are like its neighbors, India and China. Nepal is small mountainous country which has a diverse culture and history. Nepal is a country which is surrounded by snow cap mountains. Nepal has 8 highest peeks of the world including Mt Everest world’s highest peak.  

Nepal has a rich history that is unique and enchanting this country is the historical place for Hindus and Buddhist. The top rated historical sites in Nepal are located at Kathmandu valley which is easily accessible for travelers. 

Most Famous Historical Places of Nepal

1. Durbar Square

2. Shree Pashupatinath Temple

3. Bouddhanath Stupa

4. Changu Narayan Temple

5. Lumbini

6. Patan Durbar Square

7. Swayambhunath Stupa

8. Kathmandu Durbar Square

9. Muktinath Temple

10. Janaki Mandir

Bhaktapur Durbar Square.

Bhaktapur it self is a historical city located in kathmandu valley. Bhaktapur is the smallest city of Nepal which has many historical sites like Durbar square, Nayatapolo, Dattatray, Taleju and many other historical temples. This durbar square contains a museum which includes ancient monuments, buildings, and temples wherever you turn. This place is also listed in world UNESCO heritage site. This holds an historical importance of Newar community. 

Shree Pashupatinath

This revered Hindu temple complex is located along the banks of the sacred Bagmati River. It is dedicated to Lord Shiva in his manifestation as Pashupati, the Lord of Animals. The temple's intricate architecture and the rituals performed here provide a deep insight into Hindu spirituality and funeral practices. Many people travel here for religious purpose and hold an historical importance. 

Bouddhanath Stupa

Bouddhanath stupa is known as one of the largest stupas in the world, Boudhnath is a hub of Tibetan Buddhism in Nepal. The towering white dome is adorned with colorful prayer flags, and the area is surrounded by monasteries and shops selling religious artifacts. Pilgrims and tourists alike circumambulate the stupa, spinning prayer wheels and offering their devotion. This site has it own historical importance for buddhist religion.

Changu Narayan Temple

Changunarayan temple is located in the smallest and historical city Bhaktapur. Changunarayan is the one of the oldest temple of the world listed in UNESCO world heritage site. This temple is made by king Mandev before 3000 years. This temple has big historical importance. This is the temple of lord Vishnu. 


Lumbui is the brith place of lord Gautam buddha. This is the one of the important historical place you need to visit while travelling Nepal. Lumbini is listed in UNESCO world heritage site. There are many historical place to visit like Mayadevi temple, Stupas and gumbas. This place has played important role to attract travellers to Nepal. 

Patan durbar square.  

It is an another historial site in Kathmandu valley. This city is known as one of the oldest Buddhist city. This city is center of Hinduism and busshism with 136 bahals or courtyards and 55 major temples. 

Swayambhunath Stupa

Swayambhunath Stupa is also known as monkey temple. This temple is situated in kathmandu valley. It is the oldest religious site of Nepal. This temple is considered as Buddhist temple but this historical place is respected by both Buddhists and Hindus. There is a large pair of eyes on sides of the main stupa which represent Wisdom and Compassion, This eyes is known as the eyes of buddha. 

Kathmandu Durbar Square.

Kathmandu Durbar square is another historical area of Nepal. It has many temples and historical places. We can see museum at Kathmandu durbar square which reflects the historical importance of Nepal. This place is listed in UNESCO world heritage site. We can see many statues of god and goddess. This place is always crowded all over the year. 

Janaki mandir.

Janaki mandir is known as Janakpurdham. This is the temple which is named after the king Janak father of goddess Sita. This is the historical place of hindu religion. We can see statues of god and goddess here. Janakpur is famous for maithali arts. This city holds an historical importance for hindu religion because it is connected with Ramayana . 

Muktinath temple. 

Muktinath is the historical site for both hindu and buddhist religion. This temple is located at mustang district of Nepal. Moreover, This temple is considered to be the 106th of the 108 Divya Desam. There is a statue of the lord Vishnu. Mostly Hindu and Buddhist travellers are seen here. Muktinath is also known as the one of the highest temples of the world. 



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