Do’s and Don’ts while traveling to Nepal.

Do’s and Don’ts while traveling to Nepal.

Nepal is the country which is surrounded by tall mountain peaks. While travelling to Nepal it is essential to realize Nepal is filled with multiple cultures, tradition, and religions. Nepal is famous for Lumbini, the birthplace of Buddha, and the Pashupatinath temple of Lord Shiva. In Nepal People follow unique customs according to their culture and sometimes beyond scientific reason. Nepal is also famous for their unique cuisines and beverages. Nepal is a small country with lots of culture, tradition, language but each and every one respect each other.  Nepal can be the best destinations to travel in your leisure time for the relaxation and adventure travel. Even

There are some do’s while travelling to Nepal. Some of them are given below:

1.   Do Greet People

Greeting to new people mean getting respect to front person. Not only in Nepal in every Asian country people greet even the person is new to them. Greeting to new people helps people to bring smile on their face. The common greeting in Nepal is joining both hand pam together and in prayer gesture and saying welcome in polite way.


2.    Do Dress Conservatively

While travelling to Nepal it is important to get dress conservatively according to the place. If we don’t dress in proper way, then there will be bad impact on the Nepali people and tradition. Even in Nepal tourism have bought many big changes but still it is very cultural country, so it is necessary to dress conservatively. Try to ware tradition dress or the dress which covers your body in proper way.


3.    Do Use the Correct Hand.

Always use correct hand while traveling to Nepal. Using left hand in any kind of situation is consider very rude in Nepal. Always use right hand while greeting, giving and taking, eating and in other many situation we must use right hand.

4.   Do remove shoes and hats.  

Nepal has its own culture and belief that we must remove the shoes and hats in many conditions like while going to temple, while going to kitchen, while eating food, while accepting gifts and in many other conditions.


5.   Do seek permission for temples.

Many temples of Nepal has rules regarding who can enter to the temple. In some of the temples outsiders and lower cast travellers are strictly prohibited. So to avoid the mistakes always take permissions before entering to the temple.


6.   Do bargain.

In Nepal while you are shopping in local market always bargain with the shopkeepers to get best price. Bargaining with shopkeepers helps to save your money and saves you from getting fool. Nepali peoples increase their product price for travellers so bargaining necessary.


7.   Do change your currency.

Always remember to exchange your currency in money exchange or at bank. Having the currency of Nepal helps travellers to do shopping because Nepalese local shopkeepers don’t accept foreign currency.

There are some do’s while travelling to Nepal. Some of them are given below:

1.   Don’t Eat Beef.

Nepal is the country where cow is wordship as the goddess laxmi. Eating beef is strictly band in Nepal. Always ask if they serve beef in there restaurant. It is better to control your cravings while travelling to Nepal.


2.   Don’t Touch any scared object.

You will saw many kind of mandalas  in front of the temples and houses so remember never step on it because Nepalese people wordship it as god kumar. Don’t touch the buddha Statues and Hindus god and goddess statue.


3.   Don’t take photos with out permission.

Always take a permission before clicking photo and videos on the cultural sites and temples. It may create problem if you click photos in no photo zone.


4.   Don’t eat from common pot.

In Nepal eating from common pot is consider as mannerless. There will be different plate for each person. In Nepal eating with spoon knife and fork is not common people in Nepal eat with their right hand.


5.   Don’t lose your clam.

Not only while travelling to Nepal in every country of world you must not lose your clam. If you lose your clam, it may create a problem in your travel. Don’t show anger and frustration on your face it will not bring you any help.


6.   Don’t drink tap water.

Always drink tap water directly because it is not that pure and free from germs. It may create a problem in your health. Always ask your guide and local people for pure drinking water.


7.   Don’t smoke in public.

Smoking is always a bad habit which may create a health problem to yourself and other surrounding people. If you have smoking habit then always smoking in public. Always avoid smoking in the heritage sites and crowded areas. 


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