Bhaktapur Durbar Square

Bhaktapur Durbar Square

Bhaktapur Durbar Square is an cultural city of Nepal. Bhaktapur is the one of the historical cities of Newar City. Bhaktapur is also known as Bhadgaon or khwopa. However, Lyaku, is the royal palace of old Bhaktapur kingdom. It is Located 13km away from Kathmandu. Bhaktapur Durbar Square is the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Bhaktapur is the Highly visited place in Kathmandu valley. Moreover, Bhaktapur Durbar Square is the place which is the collection of ancient arts and culture. Bhaktapur is one of the historically important place, Bhaktapur Durbar Square consists of four different Durbar squares such as Durbar Square, Taumadhi Square, Dattatreya Square, Pottery Square. 

The core things which take us to the history of Malla dynasty the art and architecture, beautiful wood carvings and metal crafts. Moreover, the shrines and monument of Durbar denote the art, architecture, culture, tradition, religion and history of the medieval era. However, the old Bhaktapur city was led by native Newari people. The main attractions of historical city Bhaktapur are Nyatapola temple, Bhairavanath temple, statue of king Bhupatindra Malla, Peacock window, Golden Gate, Five-stories temple, Pashupatinath temple, Jagannath temple, Taleju complex, 55 window palace. 

Bhaktapur depicts the Newari culture. However, Bhaktapur is also known as the ‘Living Museum’ or Living Heritages. The rituals, traditions, religions, and lifestyle of Newari people give life to the intangible heritage of the city. Moreover, Daily cultural activities that are performed in this place such as worship dances, bhajans(hymns), music, rituals and wearing traditional Newari dress can give a good ambience to the visitors. Bhaktapur is the treasure of the entire human civilization because it preserves our ancestors’ art and culture and shows this to the world. Therefore, the ancient city Bhaktapur is regarded as the gem of the medieval era. 

Every shrine is the result of art, and every tourist is very inquisitive to explore this place. Here are some main attractions of historical and cultural city Bhaktapur given below:

55 WINDOWS PALACE: In Bhaktapur Durbar Square the 55 windows palace is one of the most important works of art. This palace is three storied palace which has a gracious setting and beautifully carved sculptural designs on windows and doors. However, the palace was built by King Bhupaindra Malla in the 17th century. It has a golden gate and small temples within its premises which is popular as an ornament of Bhaktapur all over the world.

TAUMADHI SQUARE: Taumadhi Square lies to the east of Durbar Square reached by a brick-paved lane. The five roofed Nyatapol temple here soars gracefully into the sky from atop a five-story plinth. Which was built in 1702. Moreover, the stairway leading up to the temple is flanked with stone figures of deities and mythical beasts.

DATTATREYA TEMPLE: At the hub of a maze of streets lined with richly ornamented houses Tachapal Square or Dattatreya, presents an entrancing ambiance. The heart of uptown is the original center of Bhaktapur. Moreover, the Peacock Window is set into the wall of a Hindu monastery here known as Math.

POTTERY SQUARE: A two-minute walk to the south of Durbar Square brings you to Bolachhen, also known as Potter's Square. Here you can watch potters molding wet clay into different kinds of earthenware. It has a display of fresh pottery left out to dry in the open.

SIDDHA POKHARI: Siddha Pukhu, meaning big pond a pond dating to the Lichhavi period (350-750 AD), is better known as Ta-Pukhu. Moreover, it is a relaxing territory in the city where you can let your tensions tap away.  You watch the fish and admire the stone images of different Hindu and Buddhist gods.


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