10 things you need to know before traveling to Nepal

10 things you need to know before traveling to Nepal

Are you planning to travel Nepal?

That’s Great Nepal is a beautiful nation surrounded by the Himalayas with enough to see and do. Nepal is also considered as the most affordable nations in Asia for a holiday trip that you will not regret. However, there are a few things you should know before traveling to Nepal to make to make your travel more memorable.

There are a few things you should know before visiting Nepal:

1. Geography

Nepal is not an extension of India or China. It is an independent, sovereign country, contrary to popular belief. Nepal is a mountainous country, with an average altitude of 3,265 meters above sea level. Similarly, eight of the world's fourteen tallest mountains lies here in Nepal, which making it the best location for mountain climbing, hiking, and trekking. Moreover in mountain and hilly areas roads are difficult to travel.

2. Climate and weather

The weather is calm and dry between October and December, when the skies are clear. It is also considered as the finest time to visit Nepal. Similarly, this season  is the ideal season for outdoor activities. However in Nepal, winter reigns supreme in January and February. This is an ideal time to rejuvenate, due to the low number of passengers during these months, gaze at gorgeous skies.

Additionally, if you want to appreciate natural beauty of Nepal, the best time to visit is late May, when spring begins and flowers bloom such as rhododendrons, creating an incredible sight to see.

3. Places to visit.

There are many wonderful locations in Nepal that you should visit. However, visiting every location will take a long time. So, for starts, hire a tour guide which will saves your huge amount of time and make trekking and hiking much easier.

Moreover, the Pashupatinath temple is the most visit place here in Nepal. It is one of the historic Hindu temples, is a must-see first stop. Another place to visit would be all of Kathmandu's durbar square areas which have its history, architecture, and culture importance. Moreover, the next destination can be  Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, is also an excellent site to visit outside of Kathmandu. Chitwan, Khaptad, and Rara are three other natural wonders where you can travel in nepal.

4. Visa Processing

Obtaining a tourist visa for Nepal is not difficult. You can apply for a visa online up to 15 days before your arrival date in Nepal. All you'll need is the address of the hotel room you'll be staying in Nepal, as well as a digital copy of your passport-size photo to upload to your application. In arrival Visa 

However, because of the Covid-19 problem, Nepal also grants on-arrival visas, which were stopped and have already been opened. Otherwise, you can obtain a visa at the Tribhuvan International Airport for USD 25-100 (cash) for a single entry. Furthermore, extending a visa is simple here, and you are only permitted to remain for 150 days after arriving in Nepal.

5. Accommodation options

If you are travelling to Nepal for the very first time you don't have to worry about where to stay. From five-star hotels to low-cost hostels everything is accessible according to your budget. If you're seeking the finest lounging experiences in Kathmandu, the Dwarika's Hotel, Kathmandu Marriott Hotel, and Babermahal Villa can be good choices. However, if you prefer a budget hotel, there are other choices available that provide excellent service. Moreover, do your homework and clarify the products you require with the hotels before making a reservation.If you want to relax outside of Kathmandu, There are lots of hotel alternatives, if you want to relax outside of Kathmandu vally. Similarly, you also have the choice of staying in a hostel or a homestay for affordable and unique travel experience.

6. Cost of Tourist 

Talking about the cost prices vary by location. Your daily expenses in Nepal, including meals and reasonable lodging, which may cost you approximately USD 25-30. When you are travelling avoid purchasing food at airports or tourist attractions. Similarly, taxis are much more expensive than public transportation in Kathmandu.

Moreover, the entry costs are something you should consider while traveling to Nepal. You will have to pay to enter heritage sites and other renowned tourist destinations.Considering permit fees and national park entry fees when trekking and mountain climbing.

7. Food Precautions

When you travel in Nepal you should indeed try the local and traditional dishes which will give you the traditional test of Nepali food. However, if you don’t prefer spicy food  you should be aware that Nepali indigenous foods are heavily spiced. Spicy meals should be avoided at all costs because you might have digestive issues next day. You might do some research and develop a list of the foods available in the location you are visiting in Nepal.

8. Things to avoid

You should be aware of what you may and cannot do to avoid any complications before visiting Nepal. Mountain climbing and trekking are quite popular here in Nepal but do not go trekking or engage in any other activity by yourself. 

Because you may have language barriers outside of Kathmandu so hiring a guide would be a smart idea. If you are travelling to Nepal bringing any kind of weapon or drug into Nepal is strictly prohibited.

Similarly, kissing in public is considered as a means of showing love in foreign land but it should also be discouraged in cultural sites as it is considered unacceptable in Nepali culture.

9. Respect the national flag

Nepal's flag is the only country flag that is not quadrilateral. The national flag is  made up of two intersecting triangles with a crimson base and deep blue edges which makes it unique all over the world.  The upper section of the map has an eight-rayed white crescent moon, and below part, there is a white twelve-rayed sun.

Moreover, respect for the flag is required by people's sentiments as well as the law. A three-year prison sentence or an NRs 30,000 fine, or both, can be imposed for disrespecting the flag. Similarly, wearing Nepal's flag in locations below the belt is regarded as extremely insulting. 

10. Health precautions

If you are travelling to Nepal, Malaria, polio, hepatitis A and B, typhoid, Japanese encephalitis, rabies, yellow fever, MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), flu, chickenpox, DPT, and other diseases are among the most common in Nepal, according to the government. Similarly, avoid contact with street animals since they may carry fleas or diseases that you don't want to catch.

Health services may not be available when needed outside of Kathmandu because Nepal is a developing country, so take precautions earlier. Don’t drink tap water if you are traveling to Nepal.  Moreover the  public restrooms in Nepal are not what you may expect majority of these public restrooms are not properly kept or cleaned. 


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